9 St Mary Street, St Mary Shopping Centre, Thornbury BS35 2AB
Tel: 0117 950 5050
Thormbury Health Centre, Eastland Road, Thornbury BS35 1DP
Tel: 01454 412599
Severnvale Primary Care Network covers 5 GP practices – Almondsbury Surgery, Pilning Surgery, Severn View Family Practice, Streamside Surgery and St Mary Street Surgery.
A single Prescription Hub covers all 5 GP practices to improve prescription processes. The Hub processes ALL prescription requests for ALL 5 GP practices.
Prescriptions can be ordered in the following ways:
• Via online access (ask at GP reception)
• Via email
◦ for Almondsbury use bnssg.almondsburyprescriptions@nhs.net
◦ for Pilning use bnssg.pilningprescriptions@nhs.net
◦ for Severn View use bnssg.severnviewprescriptions@nhs.net
◦ for Streamside use bnssg.streamsideprescriptions@nhs.net
◦ for St Mary Street use bnssg.stmarystreetprescriptions@nhs.net
• By paper/hand to the surgery
• By post to ‘Severnvale Prescription Hub, c/o Almondsbury Surgery, Sundays Hill, Bristol BS32 4DS’
• From your local community pharmacy
If you have a query regarding a medication you have already ordered via one of the above methods the Prescription Hub can be telephoned directly on 01454 205099.
Severnvale Prescription Hub, c/o Almondsbury Surgery, Sundays Hill BS32 4DS
Tel: 01454 205099
This three partner GP training practice delivers friendly family medicine at its purpose-built surgery.
24 Hour Emergency Line: 01454 281312
Alternative Out of Hours Number (Frendoc): 0845 1210504
24 St Mary Street, Thornbury BS35 2AT
Tel: 01454 413691
Thornbury Health Centre, Eastland Road, Thornbury BS35 1DP
Tel: 01454 412167
Use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it's not a life-threatening situation.
For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way.
For immediate, life-threatening emergencies, call 999 instead.
Tel: 111
24-hour health advice.
The website has a health encyclopedia and a self-help guide.