Thornbury Table Tennis Club Christmas Party
Thornbury Golf Centre
Our highly-esteemed Social Secretary Len has announced the date and venue for this year's Christmas party: Friday 9th Dec at Thornbury Golf Club.
It will be a similar sort of shindig to last year's, with very nice food and dancing 'til late (but at a venue which is slightly less out of the way!). Those of us who attended last year all had a really good time, and it would be lovely to see even more people join us this year.
A snapshot of the night's menu can be found below, and even more information can be found on their website below.
The cost of the evening will be around £40pp.
Next Steps and Deadlines
- If you would like to join us, please can you RSVP to me expressing interest, and pay a deposit of £10pp to Thornbury Table Tennis Club, 30-98-97, 83429562 (with the reference "XMAS", to help out the Treasurer).
- The deadline for the RSVP and deposit will be the 7th October (so a week and a bit's time)
- We will ask for the remaining £30pp and menu choices closer to the time