Wedding of Revd Joy and Michael
St Arilda's Church, Oldbury-on-Severn
You are warmly welcomed to join Revd Joy and Michael at their wedding celebrations on Sunday 2nd February 2025. The wedding will be at 3pm at St Arilda’s Church, Oldbury on Severn.
There is limited parking on the left hand side of the hill
going down towards Cowhill or at the Anchor Inn in Oldbury for those happy to walk up the hill. Please don’t park in the church ‘car park’ and do try and car share if possible as space is limited. The same is true in the church!
Michael and Joy will have reserved seating through much of the church for both their families and close friends. They are very happy to squeeze as many people as possible into the remaining spaces. It may well be busy so do please come early if you can and be prepared to stand. They will be sharing drinks and chocolate in the church following the service for the whole community to enjoy before going on with their family and close friends.
If you can't make that Sunday there will also be an afternoon of discussions and talk on Love at St Mary’s Church on Saturday 1st February 1-5pm including a cream tea celebration. Everyone welcome! Please do let the church
office know if you would like to come so we can have a rough idea of numbers.