7.30pm: Severn Vale Flower Club Spring Open Evening
Olveston and Tockington Parish Hall
Doors open 6.30pm for 7.30pm
Katherine Kear: ‘Doofers’
No competition
Tickets £12. Enquiries to Mrs Barbara Hughes on 01453 811089 or Mrs Hazel Dutton on 01454 885213.
New members and visitors are always welcome.
For further details visit our facebook page or email Sally Taylor at .
You can also click here to visit our page on the Three Counties and South Wales area of NAFAS.
We are affiliated to the
National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS).
Severn Vale Flower Club (the Thornbury Afternoon Club) meets on the 2nd Monday of the month (unless otherwise stated) at St Mary’s Church Hall, Eastbury Close, Thornbury, BS35 1DR.
See below for upcoming meeting dates.
Meetings start at 2pm (unless otherwise stated) to watch a guest demonstrator create lovely flower arrangements, which are raffled off afterwards.
A 12 month membership subscription costs £48, and visitors are welcome at £6 per session.
Practice Classes take place on the 4th Monday of the month, 1.30-3.30pm at St Mary’s Church Hall. The cost is £4 per member and £6 for non-members.
At these classes we practise our own skills, under the watchful eye of an experienced flower arranger and teacher.
New members and visitors are always welcome.