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Local organisations

Thornbury Rotary Club

Thornbury Rotary Club has contributed to the life of the town and surrounding district since 1971, and has raised over £500,000 on behalf of many charities and local, national and international projects, charities and appeals.

We help and support our community by making use of members' personal skills and professional experience. Our high-visibility yellow jackets are a familiar sight at street events, the Carnival and many other local activities.

Rotary's biggest annual fundraiser is the Swimarathon - click here to find out more.

For details of our meetings and more information, please visit mythornbury.co.uk/thornbury/thornbury-rotary.


Alveston Trust

Formerly known as Alveston Charities, this small charity is made up of three bequests set up over a century ago to help and support people in the Parish of Alveston.
Now merged into one called Alveston Trust, this fund is still open for applications from parishioners who may need a bit of help from time to time.
For more information about how to apply for a small grant or if you wish to make a donation, please contact Alveston Trust's Chair - Elaine Lee.

Tel: 01454 419322

Creative Card Company

Based at Turnberrie's Community Centre, Bath Road, Thornbury BS35 2BB

Inner Wheel of Thornbury

We are the Thornbury branch of Inner Wheel, one of the world's largest women's voluntary organisations. We aim to promote true friendship, encourage the ideals of personal service and foster international understanding.


Love Thornbury


Over 60s Tea Room

The Over 60s Tea Room at the side entrance of the Town Hall in the High Street is run by volunteers as an informal café for older people to meet up and chat.

We are now open every weekday 10am-3pm. We serve a variety of hot beverages at 50p a cup as well as squash and other drinks. Biscuits and sometimes cake are sold at reasonable prices but customers are welcome to bring their own food.

We have been able to refurbish the tea room recently thanks to the support of local organisations who also helped us to pay for the necessary hand sanitisers and hygiene measures. For more information click below to see our Facebook page.

Town Hall, 35 High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AR

South Glos Over 50s Forum

We are a vibrant organisation with over 4500 members, whose aim is to improve the lot of older people in the South Gloucestershire Area. We enjoy strong support from local Councils and are strictly non-political. We hold regular meetings with speakers on a wide range of subjects pertinent to the needs of older people.

Tel: 07426862121

South Gloucestershire Chinese Association

We exist to bring together people from the Chinese communities to identify their needs and try to meet those needs through the setting up of projects. We provide facilities and support in the interest of social welfare and promote culture exchange and harmony in the community.

Elton Room, The Chantry, 52 Castle Street, Thornbury BS35 1HB
Tel: 01454 865134

Thornbury and District Probus Club

We exist to encourage friendship and companionship amongst retired Professional and Business men and are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year. We meet monthly at Bristol Golf Club for lunch followed by a speaker. We are not an organisation that exists to raise funds for charity, but we do voluntarily support a selected charity each year.
We also hold two or three ladies lunches a year at local restaurants. To find out more please phone or email our secretary Stan Rodliffe.

Tel: 01454 415332

Thornbury Christmas Lights Association

The Christmas Lights Association was formed in 1991 with the sole purpose of continuing the provision of a Christmas Lights display in Thornbury.
It supports a small band of volunteers who give their time in all winds and weathers to maintain, repair, erect and take down the lights display that Thornbury has enjoyed for countless years!
We believe this to be of the order of 700 man hours of effort. The electricity for those fittings, is provided and hence ‘donated’ by the individual businesses. When not in use the fittings are stored at a local premises free of charge. In the true sense, this is a community led and funded display.
The lights display is renowned both locally and further afield. It draws numerous visitors to the town over the festive period. Many Councils have to pay a commercial rate for the provision of their lights display. Thornbury’s comes for free!
For more information, please contact the Secretary Gill Dunkley on O1454 281801 or by email below.


Thornbury Jubilee Probus Club

This group of retired professional and business men meets on the third Thursday of each month. Lunch is followed by a speaker. Twice in the year we are pleased to invite our ladies to attend. Visits to places of interest in the UK are part of our programme. Fund raising is incidental but regular. Contact secretary Dennis Underwood for more information.

Tel: 01454 412999

Thornbury Lions Club

Thornbury Lions are committed to building a brighter future for the community. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at The Ship Inn, Alveston. Our main fundraising activity is a Second Hand Bookshop in Thornbury's St Mary Centre. For more information, click below.


Thornbury Pensioners' Drop In Centre

Based at Thornbury Town Hall, High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AR

Thornbury Round Table

Thornbury Round Table is made up of a group of guys under 45 who participate in a wide variety of activities and charity fundraising events. Our table provides the opportunity to do things you might not normally get a chance to do, while also offering a charitable reason to have a pint. To find out more, click the link below.


Thornbury Town and District Residents Association, (TTadra)

This group was set up following two public meetings, in order to engage with local, regional and, if necessary, national government over local issues concerning the residents of Thornbury and the surrounding villages.

The immediate aim is to engage with Thornbury Town Council and South Glos Council over the recent changes to the centre of Thornbury, and to ensure that trading on the High Street is successfully revitalised, whilst also addressing and reversing the problems caused by regular traffic congestion on the surrounding roads and the consequent and unwelcome rise in airborne pollution in those areas.

The Association’s Facebook page is now live and available for comments and our website below has the latest news.


Thornbury U3A

Thornbury University of the Third Age (U3A) was founded in 1997 and is now one of the largest organisations in the town with over 1500 members.
The title ‘University’ can be misleading as members do not require any qualifications to join and there are no examinations to sit or awards made. It provides a wide range of educational, social and leisure activities and is an excellent way of meeting people and making friends. There is no age limit on membership but you need to have ceased full-time employment as most groups meet during the day, either in members’ homes or halls in the local area.


Thornbury Women's Institute

Thornbury WI offer social and educational events throughout the year, both locally and as part of Avon Federation. Apart from our monthly meetings, members can take part in outings, supper clubs, knock-out skittles, walking and darts.
We also support local and community events and have a nominated charity each year.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7.30–9.30pm.

Thornbury Methodist Church Hall, off High Street, Thornbury BS35 2AQ

Tytherington WI

We are a happy and friendly group who meet on the 3rd Monday of each month (except August and December). Meetings usually start at 7.30pm, but in January, February and March we meet in the afternoon from 2pm.

We welcome new members, of all ages, as well as past ones who may be interested in rejoining. Perhaps you might like to come along as a visitor(s) to try us out — we promise a big welcome!

The WI promises to provide all kinds of opportunities for all kinds of women. We support village activities as well as enjoying two or three coach trips each year.

For more information, please email President Valerie Vizard or call Secretary Pam Shipp on 01454 417833.

Tytherington Village Hall, Itchington Road, Tytherington GL12 8QE

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